The ASync API provides you metrics and control over your ACME Solar inverter.
Provide inverter information
Inform about new info.
Accepts the following message:
Date and time when the message was sent
Inverter serial serial_number
Inverter manufacturer
Inverter model
Inverter software versions
Additional items are allowed.
Additional properties are NOT allowed.
Provide inverter instantenious measurements
Inform about new inverter metrics.
Accepts the following message:
Date and time when the message was sent
AC current (Amps)
Additional items are allowed.
AC voltage, line-to-line (Volt)
Additional items are allowed.
AC voltage, line-to-neutral (Volt)
Additional items are allowed.
Active power (Watt)
Grid frequency (Hz)
Apparent power (VA)
Reactive power (VAR)
Power factor
Additional items are allowed.
Lifetime AC production energy (Wh)
Lifetime AC charged energy (Wh)
Lifetime solar production energy (Wh)
DC current (Amps)
DC voltage (Volt)
DC power (Watt)
Cabinet temperature (Celsius)
Inverter status
Inverter status, vendor specific
Additional properties are allowed.
Provide storage instantenious measurements
Inform about new storage metrics.
Accepts the following message:
Date and time when the message was sent
Storage charge/discharge power
State of energy (%)
Storage system status
Additional properties are allowed.
Inform about incoming events.
Accepts the following message:
Date and time when the message was sent
Event name
Event type
Additional properties are NOT allowed.
Control active/reactive power production
Control active/reactive power production
Accepts the following message:
Set active power reference limit
Set reactive power reference limit
Power factor reference
Prefer active power over reactive power
Additional properties are allowed.
Configure storage system
Configure storage system
Accepts the following message:
Storage system operation mode
Reserved storage for backup operation (%)
Additional properties are allowed.